Sunday, January 16, 2011

5k or bust!

Okay, you're not going to believe that I'm even in this picture, but there I am - bottom right! It was taken from an iPhone so didn't come out that clear.

A group of women from church are working towards a 5k and either I was delirious at the time I signed up or I must really, really like these women. I guess it's a little of both!

All kidding aside, I love that our focus is to get our bodies moving and to encourage a healthier lifestyle in general. We are all real women with real bodies - most of us mothers or grandmothers who have experienced the effects of child bearing and gravity's pull on our bodies. 

Keep me accountable people! I'm not a quitter, and I don't intend to start now!

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1 comment:

Our Journey to Africa said...

Girl you know I'm WITH you 100%! Thanks for inviting me to join the fun; just what I needed!

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