Monday, January 10, 2011

Goodbye school room!

Am I the only one who gets fidgety when things stay the same for too long?

I love to rearrange furniture and refresh a wall with new paint (or should I say I love to volunteer my husband for such projects?).

Having Simon home over the holidays let us tackle a few projects and my favorite one being changing the school room into a play room. No I haven't stopped homeschooling, but I think I'm just one of many homeschool moms that all too soon realize that you don't just "school" in a room, but that our learning takes place all over the house!

We have bible study in the mornings in our jammies snuggled up on the couch. Math and language arts typically finds us at the dining room table or at the kitchen bar while I prepare food. Memory work is done via games on the carpet, outside on a picnic blanket, in the car or in the bathtub.

Meanwhile, the toys of four children were beginning to invade every corner of the house which was making me a tad bit crazy! So, we finally decided to "boot" the school room and revamp the room to be play room.

From this to this:
The "school room" table is now an art/craft table.

What room doesn't need a reading corner?
Gone is our beloved timeline that ran around the whole room, but it's now lovingly tucked into a pocket chart for display.
(I don't think I could ever bear to put it away!)

So, where's the curriculum?
Notebooks and reference books are on the shelf and other needed items are kept in the closet.

My teaching manuals, record book, etc. are in this tote.
I can take it to any room in the house and put it all back in to store in the closet at the end of the day.
(I may need a bigger tote!)

Imagine how Simon and I laughed when we had finished transforming the room with all their toys reorganized and they headed straight for the books. I have a feeling the next change will be from a play room to a library.

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